2024 Research Methodology

Georgia’s senior executives qualified for the survey if they were in a senior leadership position with a company with a presence in Georgia. goBeyondProfit and Georgia CEO, a network of local websites focused on Georgia’s business communities, obtained respondents for this survey via email invitations and social media followers. The survey was open from March 12 to April 10, 2024, drawing 167 completed responses. At a 95% confidence level, this survey has an error range of +/- 7.58%.

An online survey was conducted among employed adult Georgians between March 19 and April 28, 2024. For the sample, goBeyondProfit established a contract with Qualtrics, a provider of first-party data contributed by people who opt-in to participate in surveys and market research. Respondents qualified for the survey if they were 18 or older and employed. The survey drew 548 complete responses. At a 95% confidence level, this survey has an error range of +/- 4.19%.

To compare Georgia’s results with the rest of the U.S., goBeyondProfit collected data from a national sample of respondents outside Georgia. This data was also collected via a contract with Qualtrics, a provider of first-party data contributed by people who opt-in to participate in surveys and market research. Respondents qualified for the survey if they were 18 or older and employed. The survey was conducted between March 12 and April 19, 2024, with 602 respondents. At a 95% confidence level, this survey has an error range of +/- 3.99%.
