Economic Impact of the Maternal Health & Childcare Crisis
Elevated Importance for Maternal Health Services & Childcare Support
Year after year, Georgians elevate the importance of expanded maternal health services and childcare support. These topics appear as priorities when it comes to how companies can show generosity to employees and are vital for building a positive company culture, increasing productivity, and combating burnout.
Maternal Health Services: A Benefit Critically Overlooked by Executives
Among this year’s respondents, 56% were women, yet 85% of all employees (men and women) said that expanded maternal health services is an important demonstration of generosity to employees—this represents a 9-point increase from 2023.
Conversely, only 21% of executives say they currently offer expanded maternal health services. This was the only aspect of generosity toward employees that decreased year-over-year in terms of the number of executives that reported offering it (by 18 points).
Why does this matter so much? With the highest maternal mortality rate in the country, Georgia continues to top the list of all 50 states. A recent study by The National Institute of Health shows that Georgia has 46.2 maternal health deaths per 100,000 live births for all women, jumping to 66.6 for African American women. This figure represents a 44% higher death rate among women of color.
For possible solutions, consider the recent report by Deloitte, “Maternal health inequities persist. Can digital tools be part of the solution?“
The Trickle-Down Benefits of Childcare Support
Roughly 83% of employees say that childcare support is an important demonstration of generosity, an 8-point increase since 2023. However, only 15% of executives currently offer childcare support.
In other chapters, we note that 69% of employees (men and women) believe childcare has an important influence on their day-to-day productivity. This is particularly true of Millennial employees and employees of color, both of whom are much more likely to list childcare support as having an important impact on their productivity.
goBeyondProfit data lines up with secondary data from Harvard Business School that says three out of four US workers are balancing caregiving roles. The report finds that offering caregiving support prevents employees from quitting and saves companies hundreds of thousands of dollars in turnover costs.
Additional research from Boston Consulting Group suggests that childcare benefits in particular lead to a 425% ROI, with 90% of employers saying childcare benefits boost talent recruitment and retention and 88% saying that childcare benefits boost productivity.
In Georgia alone, childcare challenges lead to at least $1.75 billion in losses in economic activity annually, according to a report by the Georgia Early Education Alliance and Metro Atlanta Chamber of Commerce.
For additional resources and possible solutions:
- “The Employee Benefit that Pays for Itself” – The Boston Consulting Group
- “Opportunities Lost: How Child Care Challenges Affect Georgia’s Workforce” – GEEARS and the Metro Atlanta Chamber
- “How to Keep Employees Productive: Support Caregivers” – Harvard Business School.