Our early June survey of working Georgians shows businesses’ rapid positive pandemic response has increased their employees’ trust and loyalty. Employees also report heightened productivity levels, better-than-average mental wellbeing, and a desire for meaning and purpose in their work.

Pandemic Response Generated Increased Trust and Loyalty.
A majority of Georgia employees give their employers high marks for their COVID-19 pandemic response and attribute a higher level of trust and loyalty because of it.

Those who rate their employers high on all activities indicate the highest increases of trust and loyalty.

Georgia Employees Believe They are More Productive Than
Pre-Pandemic Levels and Rate Their Mental Well-being Better than Neutral.
Georgians’ mental wellbeing and productivity run the full gamut from low to high (sometimes on the same day), but overall, employed adults rate themselves more positively than negatively.
Compared with before the pandemic, 46% rated themselves as more or much more productive, while 40% felt they were at the same level of productivity.
The mean came in at 3.48 on a five-point scale.

On a five-point scale where 1 is “Exhausted, drained and stressed” and 5 is “Positive, energetic, happy” Georgia’s employed adults rate their current mental wellbeing at a 3.59. Here, 28% indicated being in the neutral territory.

When asked to choose the single thing they’re most worried about, a near three-way tie appeared between job security (25% chose this), coronavirus exposure (23%) and the health of family/myself/friends (23%). No other worry came in above 11%.

Employees want CEOs to address both practical aspects of business recovery
and the emotional well-being of their employees.
It is almost equally important to Georgia’s employed adults that they feel their work environment is safe from COVID-19 (78% agree) and feel appreciated and valued by the business (75%). Respondents ranked wanting a sense of purpose in their work (75%) even higher than flexibility of work location to handle COVID-19 contingencies (68%).
A majority – a full 66% — want their employer to understand they are emotionally impacted by the pandemic.

Employees desire continued transparency on two particular fronts.

An online survey was conducted among employed Georgians between June 4-7, 2020. GoBeyondProfit contracted with Dynata, a provider of first-party data contributed by people who opt-in to participate in surveys and market research, for the sample. Respondents qualified for the survey if they were employed by a company that has a Georgia presence or a Georgia office. Respondents indicated their work was in the full range of workplace environments from office to manufacturing. The survey drew 569 completes. At a 95% confidence level, the survey has an error range of +/- 4%.
goBeyondProfit is a statewide alliance launched by business leaders for business leaders to spur corporate generosity and improve people’s lives. Through peer insights and stories, members learn from one another and strengthen their ability to ensure stronger businesses and healthier communities. goBeyondProfit is a fully funded philanthropic venture inviting every Georgia business to join at no cost.